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4.22 – Certified Patent Valuation Analyst In English

  • Valuation of Emerging Technologies
  • Negotiating Licensing Agreements for Maximum Returns
  • Advanced Patent Valuation
  • Calculating Damages Resulting from Patent Infringement
  • Best Practices for Monetizing Patent
Target audience
  • Intellectual property managers
  • Licensing managers
  • Technology transfer professionals
  • Patent examiners
  • Inventors
  • Patent lawyers
  • Patent agents
  • Financial analysts
  • Professional investors
Training registration Download PDF

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The Certified Patent Valuation Analyst (CPVA) is a unique designation which indicates that you are one of those rare individuals that has attained a high degree of proficiency in the methodology of valuing patents and emerging technologies.


This designation may help you advance in your career as an intellectual property manager, licensing executive, technology transfer professional, business development executive, patent agent, or patent attorney. If you are an accountant or valuation professional, the CPVA designation may help you win more clients and grow your business.


The course will be given by David Wanetick who is an internationally recognized valuation expert with an expertise in valuing patents, intangible assets, and emerging technologies.



1. Valuation of Emerging Technologies

  • In depth review of valuation methodologies : Cost, Income, Market, Monte Carlo, Real Options, Reasonable Royalty, Probability Weighted Expected Return Methods, Bayesian Analysis, Binomial Lattices, Markov Chains.
  • Review of patent valuation metrics such as Technology Richter Scale, Technology Readiness Levels, Black Scholes, Institut Curie Method, the Fermat-Pascal Solution, Volatility, Excess Earnings, the Nash Bargaining Solution and more.
  • Introduction to the Patent Valuation Gauntlet (PVG) which takes into account claims analysis, backward citation analysis, forward citation analysis, descriptions analysis, prosecution history analysis, drawings analysis, patent examiner analysis, chain of title analysis, inventor analysis, sustainability in opposition analysis, technology cogency analysis and much more.
  • Excel sheets with 50 valuation methodologies are included with the registration.

2. Negotiating Licensing Agreements for Maximum Returns

  • How to maximize the value from your licensing agreements.
  • When to use and how to negotiate the following licensing terms: Royalty rates, Upfront payments and milestones, Granting options to take a license, Royalty stacking, Sublicensing issues, Fields of use, Most favored nation licensing, Managing litigation, Royalty audits and more.
  • Live sessions feature a Negotiating Battle™, with an interactive simulated licensing negotiation.

3. Advanced Patent Valuation

  • Tremendous value can be gained (or squandered) through the drafting of patents. The value of a promising technology can be nullified through sloppy claims construction.
  • Gain key insights into drafting and prosecuting patents, including:
    • Balancing broad versus narrow claims
    • Getting the mix of independent and dependent claims right
    • Supporting claims in the patent specifications
    • Importance of prior art searches
    • Managing interactions with patent examiners
    • Selecting and defining the most appropriate terms
    • Managing patent prosecution (e.g., responding to office actions, Examiner interviews, correcting mistakes, patent reissuance)

4. Calculating Damages Resulting from Patent Infringement

  • Numerous judicial rulings and the proliferation of non-practicing entities threatens patent value. On the other hand, the value of patents can surge when sustaining invalidity challenges.
  • Review basic tenets of patent infringement such as:
    • Reasonable royalties
    • Royalty bases
    • Entire market value vs. Smallest Sellable Units
    • Provisional patent damages
    • Lost profits
    • Price erosion
    • Compulsory licensing
    • Market spoilage
    • Willfulness and Treble damages
    • The Panduit Factors
    • The Georgia-Pacific factors
    • Cost of next best alternative
    • Running royalties vs. lump-sum payments

5. Best Practices for Monetizing Patents – Virtual Summit

  • This virtual summit event will take you through the gamut of options for optimizing the sale or licensing of your patents.
  • Our 15 patent monetization experts will walk you through:
    • Guide you in preparing your patents for monetization
    • Prepare you for negotiations
    • Provide detailed advice on working with patent brokers
    • Discuss what documents need to be prepared for each type of deal
    • Reveal the motivations of buyers and licensees
    • Assess patent value in exit strategies
    • Explore monetization via litigation finance and sale of royalty streams
    • Help you understand your post-sale obligations
    • Assess the merits of selling versus licensing
    • Explore patent pools and monetizing standard essential patents
    • Assess the critical issues in spinning out start-ups
    • Guide your deal term considerations



Once you have completed the required courses, you may use the CPVA designation after your name. To solidify and test your knowledge, you may work through an optional exam after the conclusion of your training.


Holders of the CPVA designation will have access to the Patent Valuation Gauntlet worksheets. CPVA designees will be eligible to stamp their valuations as having been run through the Patent Valuation Gauntlet.


Certified Patent Valuation Analyst candidates undergo thorough training in patent valuation and patent monetization. CPVA candidates learn dozens of advanced patent valuation methodologies and scores of patent valuation metrics. They are furnished with Excel templates that enable them to perform patent valuation assignments.


During the virtual course 5. Best Practices for Monetizing Patents (access outside training time), candidates learn the intricacies and best practices for monetizing patents by listening to 15 patent monetization experts for eight hours. They learn the latest in patent damages calculations, participate in a mock licensing negotiation and receive insights into the nuances of drafting and prosecuting patents.

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Date :
Duration : 14h
Price :
Level : 3- Advanced
Prerequisite(s) : Aucun
Trainer(s) : David Wanetick (Managing Director)
In partnership with :
Business Development Academy
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Certifications ISO

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