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Module 6 – Litigation, Entrepreneurship and Business intelligence In English

Les objectifs
  • Master KTT main objective: Delivering a high quality training covering the whole scope of technology transfer activities for professionals with significant experience and to newcomers.
  • The training covers all domains related to the activities related to knowledge and technology Licensing in and Licensing out.
Public concerné
  • TTO/KTO (technology transfer officers or knowledge transfer officers),
  • TT managers,
  • Project managers,
  • Business managers,
  • IP experts or IP lawyers,
  • Consultants involved in TT activities.
S'inscrire à la formation Télécharger le PDF

Contenu de la formation


  • Be able to build a successful litigation strategy.
  • Design a strategy and a successful business development from innovation to entrepreneurship.





  • The role of quality
  • Managing and controlling the financial returns
  • Post license management
  • Financial terms in existing agreements
  • Financial terms in new agreements?
  • Internal control and compliance procedures
  • External audits – considering and managing the process
  • Review of the results of external audits and findings
  • Case studies


  • From research to business; the entrepreneurial process
  • Who is the entrepreneur?
  • Scientists vs. Entrepreneurs?
  • Opportunity design
  • Opportunity assessment
  • Market research techniques for entrepreneurs
  • Business model design
  • Product vs Service business models
  • What makes a good business plan
  • Introduction to venture capital
  • Due diligence process
  • Valuation techniques

Business Intelligence

  • Visits: Technology Transfer office, Incubator
  • Creation of Spin-Offs, the different kinds of spin-offs



We accept the registration for separate modules.
The request should be send at least 8 day before the start of training session.
Registration for single module

S’inscrire au module isolé avec mon CPF



Pour les personnes en situation de handicap, plus d’informations ici.

Retour à toutes les formations
Date :
Statut :
Durée : 5 jours
Niveau : 3- Avancé
Pré-requis :
  • Master 1 degree (240 ECTS credits)
Intervenant(s) : Director of Business Licensing / IP Lawyer
Nos engagements qualité
Certifications ISO

* Tarif réduit applicable au titre de :

  • PME (moins de 250 employés, non détenues à plus de 40% par un groupe)
  • Université (hors EPST, EPIC et CHU)

Les CPI et avocats ne sont pas éligibles au tarif réduit

Nos formations