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Nos formations

3.8 – Negotiation and communication In English

Les objectifs
  • Improve communication skills.
  • Understand the key principles and stages of the negotiation process.
  • Approach complex situations when designing and negotiating agreements related to PI, in the context of international projects.
  • Receive guidance on how to to conduct successful negotiations when doing business in a complex and multicultural environment.
Public concerné
  • TTO/KTO (technology transfer officers or knowledge transfer officers),
  • TT managers,
  • Project managers,
  • Business managers,
  • IP experts or IP lawyers,
  • Consultants involved in TT activities.
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Contenu de la formation

Communication and Team Management

  • Coaching and conflict management
  • Communication with people from different backgrounds
  • External stakeholders: communication & management
  • Networking

Managing Technology Transfer in a Multicultural Environment

  • Managing a collaborative partnership in a multicultural environment
  • Dealing with US, Japanese & Chinese TT managers
  • Use of translators


  • Preparing for negotiation
  • Simulation of a first contract for setting up an international partnership
  • Analyzing a negotiation strategy



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Date :
Statut :
Durée : 3 jours
Prix :
Niveau : 2- Perfectionnement
Pré-requis :
  • Having a first experience with Technology Transfer.
Intervenant(s) : Consultant / IP Director / Vice President Licensing.
Nos engagements qualité
Certifications ISO

* Tarif réduit applicable au titre de :

  • PME (moins de 250 employés, non détenues à plus de 40% par un groupe)
  • Université (hors EPST, EPIC et CHU)

Les CPI et avocats ne sont pas éligibles au tarif réduit

Nos formations